This chapter describes what needs to be prepared in the AWS Identity and Access Management to be able to perform an inventory with Docusnap.
Within the Inventory Wizard, the following information is required:
Please make sure to use a sufficiently authorized user. This user must be allowed to make the following changes:
The Amazon Web Services are regionally bound. If you use these services in different regions, you must ensure that a separate user and policies are created for each region. |
This paragraph uses EC2 as an example to describe how to create a dedicated policy for inventorying AWS in Docusnap. This procedure must then be carried out for the other AWS core areas (RDS, S3, IAM, Batch, Lambda and SQS).
Open the services and select IAM.
Afterwards, a new policy can be created under Policies by clicking the Create Policy button.
The Service, Actions and Resources areas are then defined one after the other using the visual editor.
Check policy
Assign a unique name for the created policy (e.g. Docusnap_EC2_Inventory) and an optional description. The configuration is completed via Create policy.
The previously described steps for creating the policy using the EC2 service as an example must now be repeated for the other services that are to be inventoried with Docusnap.
The previously created policies are now assigned to a user. The next step is to select the User item in Services - IAM.
Important: The arrangement of the displayed data in the Docusnap tree structure is based on the inventorying user, this has the region binding described at the beginning as background. Please select the relevant usernames for different regions here in order to assign them unambiguously.
Use Add user to create a new user. A user name and AWS access type are required.
As AWS access type select Programmatic access, open the next step via the button Next: Permissions.
Here you have two different possibilities to authorize your user for inventory.
Select Add existing policies directly and navigate to the Filter Policies option and set the filter to Customer Managed. Now select the created policies and add them to this user.
The information entered can then be checked again. Click the Create User button to create the user.
Important: The final data created (user, access key ID and secret access key) are required for the inventory in Docusnap and can be downloaded as CSV. These can only be viewed once after configuration!