In this step, you can define the software products, which are at the core of the Docusnap License Management, by specifying their most important attributes. For identification, the product name, the publisher and the version are used, similarly to the information Docusnap collects when automatically inventorying the software on the scanned computers. You must enter the product name here. Details about the publisher and the version are optional, but specifying them is highly recommended as they help to generate meaningful evaluations. However, the values entered here are only used for display in the program and in the evaluations. They do not affect the analysis procedures in any way.
Every software product is assigned to a specific metric. This assignment defines the basic settings, such as the type of licensing, for the product. The metric you select here determines whether it will be possible to use keywords and define system assignments or user assignments in later wizard steps. Use the Docusnap Management to add metrics or edit existing ones. The property Detection of Use of the metric indicates if the product recognition is used to find software, or if you have to enter the number of used licenses manually.
Whether the licensing is an undesired software product is determined by selecting the metric Blocked software products. Undesired software products are displayed under a separate node in the License tree structure, allowing a quick overview. They may later be evaluated separately. This topic will be discussed further in a separate section.
You can also determine whether the software is hosted on a terminal server.
Optionally, you can also select upgrade and downgrade versions of the current software product.
You can also specify additional information on the current software product, i.e. details for which not dedicated entry or selection fields are available. As with other descriptive fields, you can enter any desired text here. This can be, for example, special licensing conditions, instructions for use or notes about the licensing method used in the company. This is also the place where you can enter cross-references to other products or information from the software vendor.

Docusnap provides different metrics by default. Each metric defines whether the Detection of Use is applied or not.
For each metric it is selected which calculation basis should be used. The following calculation bases are available:
- No Assignment: If no assignment is selected, the number of systems on which the software was found is used for the calculation. No mapping means that no devices or users are assigned to the licenses.
- Hosts: The calculation uses the number of systems on which the software was found. In addition, you can define in the wizard step System Assignment on which devices the software should be installed. This assignment is then taken into account in the tree when wanted and unwanted installations are evaluated.
- Users: In the User Assignment wizard step you can assign the users and groups that use this software. When calculating the license balance, the number of assigned users and the number of users of the assigned groups are used.
- Processors: The calculation uses the number of processors of the systems on which the software was found. In addition, you can define in the wizard step System Assignment on which devices the software should be installed.
- Processor Cores: The calculation uses the number of processor cores of the systems on which the software was found. In addition, you can define in the wizard step System Assignment on which devices the software should be installed.
- Devices and Users: Assign Devices and Users License to create licenses for devices and users. Device licenses are used to calculate the license balance, the user licenses are listed additionally.
The following metrics are standard in Docusnap:
- Standard License: The standard license is used to count the systems on which the software was found for the license balance. No devices or users can be assigned.
- Device License: In the case of the Device License, the systems on which the software was found are counted for the license balance. Devices can be assigned in the wizard. If the device license is selected without detection of use, the number of assigned devices is used in the license balance.
- User License: The number of assigned users is used to calculate the license balance. The result of the license balance is the same, no matter if it is calculated with and without detection of use. When the detection of use is applied, the tree displays on which devices the software was installed.
- Processor License: The calculation uses the number of processors of the systems on which the software was found. If the processor license is selected without detection of use, the number of processors on the assigned devices is used in the license balance.
- Processor Core License: The calculation uses the number of processor cores of the systems on which the software was found. If the processor core license is selected without detection of use, the number of processor cores on the assigned devices is used in the license balance.
- Blocked Software Products: The blocked software products are products that should not to be installed. This metric is only available with detection of use to find the devices on which the unwanted software was installed.
- Qualified Devices: If the license is a Qualified Devices license, this metric can be assigned. When calculating the license balance, the systems on which the software was found are counted. If the Qualified Devices license is selected without detection of use, the number of assigned devices is used in the license balance.
- Qualified Users: If the license is a Qualified Users license, this metric can be assigned. The number of assigned users is used in the calculation of the license balance. If groups are assigned for this license you can only decide weather they should be resolved recursively during the calculation or only direct users of the group are to be considered. The license balance is calculated equal with and without use of detection. When the detection of use is applied, the tree displays on which devices the software was installed.
- Named Users: If the license is a Named Users license, this metric can be assigned. The number of assigned users is used in the calculation of the license balance. Only users can be assigned to this license. If groups are assigned, you can choose whether the users are to be resolved recursively or only direct users of the group should be added. The license balance is calculated equal with and without detection of use. When the detection of use is applied, the tree displays on which devices the software was installed.
- Concurrent Users: If the license is a Concurrent Users license, this metric can be assigned. When calculating the license balance, the number of licenses specified is also used as the number of licenses used, regardless of how many users are assigned, because it is a concurrent user license. The license balance is calculated equal with and without use of detection. When the detection of use is applied, the tree displays on which devices the software was installed.
- Server: If the metric Server was assigned, the calculation of the license balance only considers device with the type server. If the Server license is selected detection of use, the number of assigned servers is taken into account in the license balance.